iBook Storytelling

ECJourno App for tablets, April 2011

Mass Perfection, April 2012

I worked with the beta of Adobe Digital Publishing Suite (DPS), an extension to the InDesign application. DPS includes a suite of tools that make digital magazines interactive, including videos, scrolling images and VR. In spring 2011, I worked with students to develop a magazine called Mass Hands that celebrated master craftsmanship. I successfully published apps with Adobe DPS on Apple, Android and Blackberry marketplaces, making Emerson Journalism the first program of its kind to distribute using DPS.

In January 2012, Apple introduced the iBooks Author application for publishing content for iPad. My students and I developed a YouTube channel called DIYJourno to document the software. It quickly became the most popular way to learn how to use iBooks Author. We published our first book called Mass Perfection in April 2012. Since then, I have worked on at least two books with students each year.